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Improve your flute playing – smooth finger technique

by | Jan 6, 2020 | Ory's Tips | 0 comments

Ory’s Flute Tips


Improve your flute playing – Smooth finger technique


Wish to improve and play with a smoother finger technique?
Then the first thing is to check yourself: Are you aware of your fingers position while playing, especially during quick passages? How far away from the keys are they while playing?

The key to a smooth, quick and precise finger technique is your awareness for their position and their distance from the keys. Next time you play your flute, check if you can actually feel where your fingers are and how far from the keys they are.

My tip for you in order to improve it is to try touching the keys with your fingers very lightly as much as possible, during all passages, even when a finger doesn’t have to press down a key. Simply feel with the tip of your finger the key under it, but don’t press it, unless you need to of course.

Feeling the keys under your fingers helps you to control and place your fingers in the closest possible position to the keys. If you gently feel the keys under your fingers at all time while playing, you will receive important information from your sense of touch, and your movements will be much quicker and precise.

In addition, the distance to the keys will be much shorter and it will enable you to play quicker. For example, if you wish to play a trill quicker it would be very helpful if you don’t lift your finger too far away from the key with every change of note. If you manage to keep the finger touching the key or at least being as close as possible to the key, then you’d be able to repeat the movement quicker and you’d be able to trill quicker.

Enjoy practicing,


Ory Schneor is a principal flutist with the Munich Chamber Orchestra, Tongyeong Festival Orchestra and member of the Geneva Camerata. He is teaching masterclasses around the world and he is the founder and instructor at FLUTEinWIEN

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